While the whole world is under rapid evolution, much of it tends to
point towards the Internet. The largest percentage of evolution is
mainly based on the Internet. It is through the Internet that so much
have been achieved in the globe. It is through the Internet that the
world has turned into a Global Village. Amazing! Now, it seems that
evolution with regard to the Internet is nowhere close to the end. Just a
while back, it was all about Wi-Fi. Today, Li-Fi has come.
Li-Fi Technology
Evidently, there is a lot that Li-Fi has that Wi-Fi can hardly offer.
After all, The former is an advancement of the latter. You might want
to know a number of things that Li-Fi has. Of course there is a lot you
might not have known about the technology.
Here are important things about Li-Fi that you should know: The Speed Is Just Insane
If you thought that your Wi-Fi is fast, think again. You simply
thought wrong since Li-Fi is far much faster. Now, did you know that
Li-Fi can hit speeds of up to 224 Gbps. A number of years ago,
such speed was just thought of as a dream. Guess what…the speed is here
and very practical. Imagine browsing at such speed. The experience is
just unimaginable. It Has Been Successfully Tried
If you thought that Li-Fi is just a thought, again you are wrong. The
technology has been tried and tested and positive results registered.
Tallinn and Estonia are a perfect example of where Li-Fi has been tried
and confirmed. It Is Never Easy To Hack
Yay! Great news at last! You might be one of those people who live
with lousy neighbors. Maybe your Wi-Fi has long been hacked. You could
be offering involuntary help to your neighbor without knowing. It feels
really bad when you realize that your Wi-Fi has been in use under an
unauthorized party. Li-Fi is here with the best news ever. Did you know
that only those with Direct Purview of Light Gadgets can use the
network. This simply means that you will be spared the hacking menaces.
Just incredible! You Need A Microchip and A Bulb
One thing you should first know is that Li-Fi uses light as a medium
is transmission. This only tells you that a light source will be
required. However, this is not enough. A microchip will also be
required. For the network to be created and accessed, you will require
inserting a microchip into the bulb. It Has A Much Stronger Bandwith
You might be asking yourself if the bandwith that Li-Fi offers is
stronger or on the lower side. The answer to that is that the Bandwith
that Li-Fi offers is stronger by far. It is simply interesting to know
that we are talking of a bandwith that is 10,000 times more than that of
normal radio waves. Any person can boldly confirm that the strength of
Li-Fi is just insane.
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