LG has just shared some camera-related details about its upcoming V30 smartphone. The South Korean company claims the device "will include the world’s largest aperture and clearest lens ever to be featured in a smartphone."
The V30, like its predecessor, has a dual camera setup. However, the company says the main camera module includes an F/1.6 lens (a first for LG), which delivers 25% more light to the sensor compared to an F/1.8 lens.
"The glass Crystal Clear Lens also delivers greater light-collecting ability than a plastic lens as well as better color reproduction," LG says in a press release. "This makes the V30 particularly well suited for photography and videography."
The company also claims the V30 wide angle camera has 30% lower edge distortion compared to the V20's. It was also revealed the rear camera module on the upcoming phone is 30% smaller in size compared its predecessor.
Aside from this, in a separate press release, it was announced that the V30 and other future LG devices will feature Immersion’s TouchSense technology for high-definition haptics. It's claimed that this technology "enables device manufacturers to simulate the connected experiences of the real world."
The LG V30 is all set to be unveiled on August 31.
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